Mental Health-

Being Creative

The Quest to Improve My Art Studio

Today I finished reorganizing my Dreambox, I feel like I probably just did this recently but frankly, this is something I need to do at least 2 or 3 times a year. My workspace does have a tendency of getting cluttered and disorganized as I work on projects so it’s always a good idea for me to organize my space and my supplies a few times a year.

By keeping my area organized and picked up I find I have more motivation and inspiration for my art projects.

It’s funny, every time I go through this exercise my area keeps evolving, First I started with just the DreamBox, then I added the DreamCart as my desk and my workspace. Since then I’ve added more accessories to my DreamBox and even more furniture for storage. This round I’ve added organizers for all my paints and brushes.

With every reorganization, my space looks less like an office and more like an art studio and this makes me really happy.

It’s funny because the other half of our office space is my husband’s space which has also slowly evolved to be a studio as well but it’s a different kind of studio. His space and furniture jas also evolved over the past couple of years where now he has an audio booth for recording and his desk and work area has turned into a high-tech editing bay for music, animation, and audio fiction.

I have my art and he has his. Our office is one massive studio of all the things that make us happy.