Being Creative

The Quest to Figure How I Can Be More Creative in Different Ways

I feel like the last month I have been in a bit of a creative slump, I have not felt like painting or working on any resin art. I also have a lot of artistic kits that I need to work through but I have not had the motivation to work on those either.

Just because I am on an artistic slump does not mean I can’t find other ways to be creative, for example, yesterday I edited and produced a compilation of Halloween FX videos to project as part of our Halloween decor this year. Today I am working on updating my digital notebooks on my tablet with some amazing digital notebooks that I found online.

So my question today is how can I be creative in other ways when I am not feeling the motivation to make art?

I can rearrange or redecorate a space in my home – Sometimes all we need to be more creative or even get motivated is to organize our space or change it up even if it’s just a little bit. A simple technique of just rearranging your furniture or just sprucing up the space with a little bit of color can make such a huge difference. This would also include decorating for the holidays like Halloween and Christmas.

Journaling – I already journal in my Hero’s journal on a daily basis. I even make this creative by using colorful pens and writing in my journal in such a way to make it feel like I am living a Hero’s journey….This leads to my next topic

Living a Hero’s Journey – I can be creative every day by treating my goals like quests. Am I going for a walk? No, I’m going on an adventure. Am I going grocery shopping? No, I’m going to the market for supplies. Life, in general, does not have to be mundane and boring. Spice the way you complete simple tasks and make life an adventure.

Creative Writing – Many many moons ago I wrote a fiction novel. since then I have written some other things including scripts for film, TV, and audio fiction. I will admit I have not done any creative writing in quite some time but this is something else I can creatively do when I do feel motivated to do arts and crafts.

Podcasting – Creating audio content whether it’s just a talk show or audio fiction is not that difficult to produce if you have the right resources. not only can this be loads of fun but a startup does not cost much either and if you are really strapped it may not cost anything. I relaunched my podcast a few months ago and have let it lapse, maybe I will feel motivated to work on this again.

Video Production – When I prepared the Halloween FX video yesterday that kick-started my creativity to do video production. It had been a while and I forgot how much fun it is and it really gives me a few ideas for possible projects. I’m also planning on working on a more lengthy Halloween Video for Halloween night.

Tabletop Gaming – Since I have discovered a love for Tabletop RPG’s I’ve really been wanting to start a massive campaign with my friends, so while I am learning to be a dungeon master I’m also trying to design a campaign that I’m sure won’t be easy and will require a lot of conversions.

Blogging – Another form of creative writing but my blogging allows me to not only be creative but to also focus on my Quests (Goals) to promote positive thinking and happiness. it’s a way for me to express myself through self-care.

Gardening – Even though many will say I have a black thumb (Which is not wrong) I still love growing things, I have Aerogardens inside the house and I’m hoping to soon be able to have some raised plant beds in the backyard to try growing some vegetables.

Cooking – Nothing says being creative than trying out a new recipe or even creating one of your own. Decorating cookies or a cake or even laying out a charcuterie board. Cooking in itself can be an art form.

At the end of the day, these are just some examples of how I can be creative when I don’t feel motivated to create art. Just because I love being artistic and crafty does not mean that I am going to eat and breathe it every single day of my life.