
The Quest to Improve My Beast Master Proficiency

Even though I am not an outdoor person I have come to quite enjoy the quiet morning walks around our neighborhood. Since we live north of the bustling Tampa Bay area we are blessed with more areas of conservations and farmland.

We don’t see woodland critters every day but some days we are blessed with bunny rabbits, every day we see a multitude of squirrels and frogs.

Today was special, not only did we see a couple of bunny rabbits but we even saw a full-grown female deer that was no more than maybe 10 feet away from us.

I remember mentioning to my mother a few years ago that I wanted to try to plant a vegetable garden in the back yard and she warmed me that the raccoons and other critters might try to get into the backyard and munch on my veggies but after I spotted a couple of bunnies in my own backyard in the last few months I am inclined to set up those vegetable gardens in order to attract the critters.

So far in our neighborhood, we have spotted raccoons, bunnies, deer, squirrels, and once we even saw a pair of otters. I plan on setting up a little camera that will let me spot any critters during the day and at night.

Of course, will try to attempt to protect the veggies as best I can, and if I can harvest any of the vegetables, great then that will be an added bonus but I will not be disappointed if my veggies bring the bunnies to the yard.