
The Quest to Not Find a New Printer Because I Figured Out How to Adjust the One I Got

The title says it all.

As usual, I stepped away from it yesterday and came back to it this morning with fresh eyes. I was able to figure out how to make the adjustments with a little help from the manufacturer and I’m officially off and running currently doing a test print.

It’s not surprising that I ended up getting frustrated with this as things like this are designed to make you frustrated until you figure it out and then it stops being frustrating.

Personally, I think we make ourselves frustrated needlessly and this is something I know I have challenges with, I take on a new challenge get frustrated with it to the point of stressing out and then figure it out and move on.

The Moral of this story is to be patient, don’t lose my cool, or make rash decisions. It will all sort itself out one way or another.