
The Quest to Enjoy and Relax on The Last Day of Our Adventure

When I think back on the last few days it feels like we didn’t do a lot but in retrospect, that is what we enjoy about being at the Biltmore Estate. It’s not about doing all the things but about enjoying the magnificent landscapes, the crisp mountain air, and the smells of nature all around us.

After we enjoyed In-room breakfast we headed downstairs and spent the morning reading in the lobby and enjoying the ambiance. In the early afternoon, we ventured out to the nearby village for some fresh air and exercise. Jason and even when on a late afternoon walk.

Today I also learned a lesson in patience. I had popped into one of the gift shops to pick up a bottle of wine for dinner.

Just one item

At the cashier was a man who appeared to be buying half the store and as the cashier was ringing him up he continued to browse the small shop and add items to the pile. The cashier looked at me and with a look of understanding let me know I can also check out at the shop across the small hall. Just a few feet away.

So I walked over to the other shop to find that cashier also presently busy checking out a customer. As I stood waiting I could feel my impatience growing but I kept that internal and continued to wait even though the check out seemed to take a while as the cashier was conversing with the customers.

Then came my turn, the cashier thanked me for my patience checked me out, and even gave me a 20% discount for waiting so patiently. A few minutes later I returned again to the shop to pick up something I saw that caught my eye.

In front of me being checked out by the cashier were the same customers that I had to patiently wait for before and this time they had asked the cashier a question that she could not answer but I happen to know the answer too. The customer thanked me checked out and left and then it was my turn. The cashier thanked me for the obscure fact I provided and for my patience again and gave another discount on my purchase as thanks.

The moral is that being patient can have its benefits. You’re not working yourself up into a frenzy and sometimes you can be rewarded for it.

Picture credit is the Biltmore estate, they posted that picture the day after the snowy weather.