
The Quest to Feel Inspired and Find Time to Relax

I’m starting to feel the artistic spark, I have a show coming up next month and today was the first day I started making plans for the show and even headed to the art store for some supplies. I sold a lot at this show last year and I need to replenish my inventory which means making lots of original art pieces.

I spent some time this morning pulling out some of the supplies I already ahead of so I could start getting ideas about what projects I want to make and get inspired as well. There are so many things I want to make, it’s been a while since I’ve been hit with an artistic bug like this, in fact, it was about the same time last year I felt like this.

Maybe I need to do more shows to get me motivated but I also don’t want this to get to a point where I’m doing it as a business. I want to make art for the sake of making art and I know the more shows I do the more at risk I will become of burning out and losing my motivation to be creative.

After I had my fill of art supplies and art ideas I essentially spent the rest of the day doing what I was originally planning on doing all day, playing video games.