Being Creative

The Quest to Paint the Cosmos Using Watercolors

Today was an artistically productive day, I decided to work with watercolors and I will say that It is a lot more convenient working with liquid watercolors rather than the solid kind or the goop that has to be watered down.

I’m sure one of these days I will paint something more complex but my style really is space and cosmos so I paint what I love and what makes me happy. I am planning on scanning these in so I can make prints and I do plan on selling the originals at Syfy Bartow next month.

It’s been so many months since I’ve done any real original art, I have been working on a few things like my stargate build and other craft projects but it’s been a while since I made original artwork.

With Syfy Bartow coming up next month I decided to expand on my original art offerings and offer other mediums in addition to my original resin art. I will be dabbling in the next month and a half in watercolors, Acrylics, and oils. I will also have prints and other products that will be available at many price points.