
Podfest 2020!

So this past weekend my husband Jason and I had the opportunity to attend our first-ever Podcasting convention.

To those uninitiated Jason and I produce two full-cast Audio Fiction podcast. If you like Science Fiction we offer you Continuum Force for those with a taste for the horror we have Vampires of White Chapel.

We went to PodFest to hopefully learn some more about Podcasting and potentially meet some influencers in the industry. Even though I love crafting and making art Jason loves creating through more digital mediums. We learned that for the most part, we are doing great with both our podcasts. We are ahead of the game in many ways but we still require to do a bit of work, mostly on the non-creative side. Once we have implemented a few new things it will help immensely with time management which will allow for more time to create.

With all of that said we met some amazing people at PodFest and hopefully formed some new and possibly lasting relationships. On top of that keep an eye out in this blog as I may be announcing something pretty cool in the coming weeks. The overall attitude at the convention was so positive that you could not help but feel inspired by those around you.

I did not expect to feel so much inspiration not just from the speakers but from the other attendees as well. There are moments in our lives when we have those Ah Ha moments, where we discover something that will help us to elevate to the next phase in our lives. I believe Jason and I had our Ah Ha moment and can’t wait to see where it takes us.