
The Little Things!

First and foremost I want to send out thanks to all of those on the front lines dealing with Covid-19. Our medical personnel, shop workers, restaurant employees, and many others. 

It can be difficult to keep a positive mindset in these uncertain times. During this unprecedented global pandemic, we are all dealing with the loss of life, loss of jobs and uncertain futures for many people. This is the time when we need to focus on the positive things however small so we do not allow ourselves to be overcome with anxiety and stress.

Yesterday I played a video of a beach with waves on the TV, played some tropical music, enjoyed some snacks and we barbequed some hot dogs. If you closed your eyes you could pretend you were having a fruity drink at a beach resort. It helped to break up the monotony and made some long term memories that we will always look back at fondly.

This time does not need to be filled with fear and uncertainty. If you lost your job due to workplace closures many of those jobs will be there again when they open. we have to believe that things will get better again.

I am going to try to focus on those things that make me happy.

The number one thing is I get to spend more time with my family, especially my husband. I know our dream has always been to be able to work from home full time to spend more time together and at least for a little while we have that. I know once the world gets back to some semblance of normalcy and we go back to the office I will miss him immensely.

Second, I have been able to focus on some of my art projects more. I started an art journal and also doing some research to hopefully start doing some farmer’s markets in the future.

Third, going on more walks with my husband and family got to see bunnies during our walks. Being in the office more meant it had been many months since I got to see a bunny, now I’ve seen them like 3 times last week.

Fourth, I get to have some more time to play video games. before I would be lucky if I had time to place once a week now I’ve played almost every day even if it was for one hour.

What do we need to do to make this time more enjoyable?

Continue to do what we need to do, Self isolate, keep your families safe.

Support your local business, bringing some joy to those essential workers that are out there making our lives easier will bring you joy as well. Be Kind.

Enjoy the small things, try a new recipe, watch something new on TV, play some games.

Go for a walk, do not forget that self-isolation does not mean being lazy. Go walking, go biking or do some yard work. We even got out of the house this weekend and just went for a drive. Social Distancing is the key but you can still enjoy yourself.

If you feel yourself getting anxious or stressed, stop what you are doing, take a few deep breaths. think about the positives, The Little Things that bring you joy and know that it will be OK.