
The Quest to Put Together My Own Gaming Room (Which will also be a multipurpose room)

One of the things that really made me happy yesterday was discovering that the two bookcases I had in the garage are still in excellent condition, I was so afraid that they would be falling apart or really beat up but after wiping them down they contained no water damage or any other wear and tear.

Being mindful of my physical limits and with a little assistance from my mom, I was able to get them into our Common Room/Gaming Room/Galaxy Relaxation Room. Now I will have plenty of storage space to hold our books, gaming supplies, and geeky collectibles.

I am also planning on decorating it after a galaxy theme, not just because I love galaxies but because Jason also wants to theme it after the Galaxy Room which is part of Studio B at Paisley Park. It was the room Prince hung out in to meditate, relax, and be inspired.

I am so excited to be able to put together what is fast becoming a recreation room.