
Nothing Feels Better Then Being Appreciated.

Whether it’s at work or home we all love to be appreciated, especially when we work hard or go above and beyond what is expected us. We don’t do it for the praise but it is validation for the things you accomplished.

Today I received my end of year review at work it was high praise indeed, in fact, I don’t believe I have ever received this high of a rating in all my career.

It made me so happy because in so many ways it is an acknowledgment of all the hard work I completed in the past year. It means I am already thinking about what new challenges I can take on in the coming year. What new goals I can set to make improvements for my team.

On a little side quest, I took today, our local supermarket 4 packs of Mexican Colas on sale and I somehow managed to score quite a few of these wonderful elixirs by arriving at just the right time when they were being delivered.