
Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

Today seems much like yesterday, I worked, made art, went for walks and did chores around the house. While we continue to quarantine and work from home the days can get monotonous. I even find myself less inclined to leave the house if I don’t have to.

When quarantine first began last year we rarely left the house and found interesting ways to make it fun. One day we had a tropical day where we made drinks, grilled barbeque and played tropical music. We also had movie nights and learned to make new artwork.

Even as things began to open up and we occasionally venture out we still realized that the pandemic was not over. While some took more risks then is necessary the rest of us still stayed in adjusting to the new norm, going to the store only when needed and still being as careful as possible when we enjoyed more enjoyable outings.

And now things have changes again, with a vaccine in sight we take even more precautions, we continue to only go to stores as needed, always where masks and use hand sanitizer. Any other events we limit to things that are outdoors or attend when crowds are at their minimum.

As much as we want things to go back to the way they were I don’t think they ever will, this has forever changed the way we live and we will adjust as best we can and try to take everything in stride.

And on the other side we have to see the positive as well, though I dealt with a lot of anxiety last year and have since improved immensely in dealing with self care and focusing on my happiness. We have seen communities come together to help each other, health care workers risking their lives to help us get better and governments coming together to rid the world of this disease.

We have so much to look forward to this year and we need to remember that there will always be light in the darkness as long as we search for it.