
Antici…….. PATION!

Today my husband and I made a decision about where and how we will spend our 20 year wedding anniversary which will be this year.

One of the most important things that can drive our happiness is anticipation. Anticipation for a movie release or a special event or even a trip.

This year we will be anticipating a trip that we have only ever dreamed about. A trip that will encompass several firsts for us. We thought what a better way to celebrate our 20 year anniversary than to do something on our bucket list.

So many of us live our lives never accomplishing the things we dream of or always putting our dreams off saying maybe next year. We need to realize that living our lives and accomplishing our dreams is all part of self-care that will promote our happiness.

We need to focus on making memories, those memories are what will allow us to be happy. We don’t want to have finished our lives with no memories to show for it. If all we do is work to live and live to work then are we really living?

What are other ways we can add anticipation into our lives? Maybe anticipation for a new video game? Or a grand opening of a new restaurant.

Even if we are those many people who live paycheck to paycheck and can’t afford trips, how can we create instances of anticipation for ourselves? Maybe we can anticipate trying out a new recipe or anticipate the release of a new episode of our favorite TV shows. Maybe anticipation can be for a visit to a local nature park. Plan out these events so you have something to look forward to.

Anticipation will always be there for all of us no matter whatever our walks of life are.

I will leave you with this article that talks more about how anticipation can drive our happiness.

Anticipation illustration