Mental Health

Happiness Can be Found Even on Busy Days

Part of my quests for this year is to focus on identifying at least one thing each day that makes me happy. Even though this seems simple enough it is not as easy as you might think. Especially when you are not having a good day.

My workday today is filled with back-to-back meetings and though I am not having a bad day I feel like I won’t have any time to focus on finding that one thing that makes me happy today. Maybe that one thing will be having a productive day, or finding that I discovered some free time to do something for me.

Even on busy days, we need to ensure that we are always staying on top of our mental health. It might be that you are happy to finally completing a work task that was frustrating you. Or finally figuring out that one thing that has been stumping you for a while.

It’s looking forward to finishing your workday and getting to relax or ordering out so you don’t have to spend time cooking. What other ways can you find happiness when you have a busy day?