Mental Health

Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

I did not necessarily have a to-do list for today but it was a day I still planned on getting things done, I just had not decided on what I was going accomplish. I could have organized the garage, started learning some new art techniques, or do some other chores around the house. What did happen today is I woke up in pain, during the night I pulled a muscle that may have put a kibosh on my day.

It’s possible I may feel better later and maybe I will be able to get something done but how can days like this affect our mental health? Does it become harder to find positivity? Do you feel guilty for having a day that you feel was wasted? And I also have to decide if I feel better later should I get something done or should I just allow myself to rest and not risk re-injury?

However, as my day unfolds I should not allow it to affect my mental health. If something happens to ruin your plans make others, my plan B will be to hopefully relax and heal. Maybe I can work on what my plan will be for tomorrow. Maybe I’ll work on something less strenuous than I had planned for another day.

Don’t ever feel like the day will be wasted when a wrench is thrown in. Maybe relax and read that book you’ve been meaning to finish or just catch up on your favorite documentary. Seize the day does not mean you have to be up and doing all the things.