
The Quest for Ancient Books of Stories and History

Well, today was quite an adventure. With the CDC recently releasing the news that fully vaccinated individuals no longer need to wear masks I still feel hesitant to go out in public without a mask.

Even still we went to a flea market today in search of some antique books to add to our ever-growing library. Since most of the market was outdoors we decided to not wear our masks but kept them on hand in case we needed them.

If I can be honest it did feel odd, I found myself still being vigilant about social distancing and being mindful of those around me in case anyone sneezed or coughed. Even though my husband and I are fully vaccinated and so is the rest of our household and other friends and family I will continue to be respectful of those around me. If a private business still requires masks then I will comply.

It really is so important to get vaccinated if you can, the more people get vaccinated the quicker we can regain some form of normalcy in our Society.

Our excursion to the market was fruitful we found a few good books for our library and a few decorative items to also add to our library. One of the decorative items is a portrait of a Spanish royal Infante Luis of Spain. This is one of the things we have been looking forward to the most now that we are vaccinated is being able to go antiquing.