Being Creative

The Quest to Utilize My Staycation to Build a Stargate

Well even though our Disney Vacation has turned into a Staycation I’m going to take advantage of this free time to work on my Stargate build.

I stopped at Home Depot today to pick up a few supplies to see if I could work with just the 45-degree PVC pipe fitting, and even though I really needed 40-degrees after testing it out 45-degrees will also work for what I need in regards to building a frame, the frame will still sit within the circumference of the Stargate.

The 3D printing of the details is chugging along and may take a couple of months to get everything printed out. My quest is to get the gate completed by Halloween. The Chevrons I’m thinking of sending out to a 3D print service as the pieces may be too large for my small 3D printer to handle.

I am planning on having the Chevrons light up, I know my husband is hoping I can make the gate spin but that is wishful thinking. I am hoping I can program the chevrons to light up in a certain order along with sound effects and I may be using either a light effect projector or my Atmos FX projector to project an event horizon.

For those of you who have not heard of Atmos FX check out their site.

Youtube has amazing videos like this one that I can use with my projector.