Mental Health-

Being Creative

The Quest to Continue Getting Back on Track

We ended up being more active over the weekend than we thought we would which on one side seems great because it feels like we may be getting back to normal but on another not so great because we seem to pay for it with even more fatigue. As each week progresses so does our stamina but it does appear to be happening slowly and just when we think we are finally getting ahead we have a day where we feel so exhausted it feels like we took several steps back.

We have a trip coming up in a couple of weeks and I know as far as energy levels go we won’t be at 100%, so we will try to make the best of it while being mindful of our energy levels and resting when we can. My coughing has thankfully gotten a lot better and it’s getting to the point where I’m not sure if it’s allergies or still COVID recovery.

I know this can be frustrating and it really puts into perspective how folks with chronic conditions try to deal on a day to day basis, although my husband and I will recover fully eventually many out there with invisible disabilities will be dealing with the fatigue and the pain for their entire lives. Many who had full-blown COVID may have found themselves with chronic conditions that will never go away.

With all that said I am still on track on my Stargate build, since at the moment I am dealing with fatigue I am focusing on just printing up the 3D elements. I am also having issues again with my injured elbow which may slow me down a bit.