
The Quest to Attend the Convention of Dragons…Or Dragon Con

In about two weeks we will be making our annual pilgrimage to the most glorious of all gatherings called Dragon Con.

What is this Convention of Dragons you ask? Well, let me broaden your minds, fellow adventurers and heroes.

Dragon Con is the largest fan-run Science Fiction and Fantasy convention on the East Coast of the United States with an attendance of well over 80,000. The best way to describe DCon is to imagine 30 or so smaller conventions all under one big umbrella, that is Dragon Con. With so many different programming tracks there is always something for everyone. I am not exaggerating when I say it’s a 24-hour nerd party.

Check this link out for a complete list of tracks. Some of my favorite tracks are the American Sci-Fi Classics, Brit Track, Star Wars Track, and Trek Track.

Dragon Con takes place during Labor Day weekend and takes over 5 hotels in the Downtown Atlanta area. The vendor halls alone take up about 4 floors of the Americas Mart building about a block away from the convention. DCon started as a small little convention in 1987 and has only been growing bigger and stronger since. They even have a parade every year.

The only reason we are attending this year is because of the precautions they are putting in place which include reduced capacity, mandatory masks indoors, and limited capacity for programming. We also feel the risk is worth it as we are fully vaccinated and recently had COVID which gives a little extra immunity. We have also been dosing up on various vitamins to boost our immune system.

If you want a taste of what Dragon is like check out the below videos.