
The Quest to Rest After a Successful Campaign and Plan For Next Year

SyFy Bartow was amazing yet again and I can’t wait to return again next year.

I also have to really thank my husband because if it were not for him I would not have been able to do the show at all, between my bad tennis elbow and my bad back he did all of the heavy liftings, loading up the cars, unloading the card and loading everything up again.

On top of all that he also help me to set everything up and break everything afterward.

My favorite thing about yesterday wasn’t that I had good sales or that a lot of people came into my booth to comment about how different, beautiful, or unique my artwork is but because I was able to spend the entire day having time with my husband where we were not distracted by our own projects.

It’s times like these I treasure because we get to talk, good off, and in a show like this enjoy our favorite pastime, people watching. People watching at a science fiction convention is the best because I love seeing all the attendees in costumes. It makes me happy seeing how creative people can be whether it’s a simple costume put together from the closet or an elaborate costume that may have taken months to build. I just love seeing everyone embrace their favorite fandoms.

I’m also very excited for next year’s SyFy Bartow, they will not only be celebrating their 10 year anniversary but the theme for next year will be a Star Trek theme.

So lastly is a special shout out also to Lori and Sean who are the founders of SyFy Bartow, they do such an amazing job of putting this together every year.

Also since I missed doing a blog post yesterday as I did not have any time and we arrived home rather late I will probably be doubling up today, so keep an eye out for one more post later this afternoon.