Mental Health

The Quest to Survive Daylight Savings Time

So much for posting every day but in my defense I was out of town for a couple of days. I’ll try better.

This past weekend was a blast, my hubby and I attended an annual Antiquarian book fair and probably spent too much money but we found so many amazing books to add to our ever-growing library. We also took some time to do a little shopping and sightseeing on the side and had dinner at a couple of our favorite restaurants.

In the end, while it was an amazing weekend I got slapped in the face when I realized this weekend was also Daylight Savings time, which means Spring Forward, losing an hour, and spending the next two weeks adjusting to a new sleep schedule.

As we adjust for something like a time change make sure that we do not forget to take care of ourselves, we will be tired, and we may have our sleep interrupted. I for one am planning on going easy this week and not loading myself with too many things to do as I’ll probably be experiencing brain fog and moments where I will find it difficult to focus.

So be kind to yourself, the next couple of weeks are sure to be a bit rough.

One thought on “The Quest to Survive Daylight Savings Time

  1. Clara

    Yes, I wish the change of hour stop someday 😔 even the dogs are confused

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