I am now in full-on preparation mode for SyFy Bartow this Saturday. I completed all the Artwork I had the time and energy to get done and now I’m making sure I have everything I need for the show. It’s frustrating once you get to a show only to find out you forget your creditRead More
Category: Being Creative
Being Creative
The Quest to Call In the Spirits Wherever They’re At!
Yay, I made art! I’ve been working on these two resin art pieces for a few days and today I finally poured the resin to finish them up. Ever since I saw the Disney Haunted Mansion keys on sale on the Shop Disney site I knew I needed to add them to a piece ofRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Complete More Resin Art
Today I spent the day working on a couple of new resin art pieces. I’m making two identical pieces and I plan on keeping one and selling the other at Syfy Bartow. Any guesses as to what it could be? I was also collecting little bits and bobs that I can use to make StarRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Continue Preparations for Syfy Bartow
Today I spent time scanning in all of my original watercolor paintings I made and uploaded them and ordered art prints for Syfy Bartow. I also placed an order for some supplies I’ll also need for the show. I still have some stuff I want to complete for Syfy Bartow if I have time, IRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Level Up My Crafting Skills
I made 14 pieces of original art today. When I see how some artists take weeks or sometimes even years to complete one piece of artwork, is what I am doing really considered art? The answer of course is yes, just because I was able to make 14 art pieces in one day does notRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Bring the Cosmos Into My Art
It has been almost a year since I completed any original resin art, partly because I did not want to make so much art that I had nowhere to put it, partly because I wanted to take a break from resin and try some other mediums. Working with resin can be messy although it’s lotsRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Really Get Going with the Artwork
I finally found some time and motivation to work on art projects today and I spent some time prepping some frames for resin art, tomorrow I hope to have time for the next step. I have at least one original piece I need to have completed by Saturday while the rest I still have plentyRead More
Mental Health-
Being Creative
The Quest to Find Motivation and Time
I didn’t have time to do any art today but I still have a to-do list and ideas that I want to get out. It all comes down to having the time and the motivation, today I had the motivation but I didn’t have the time. Another day I may have the time but notRead More
Being Creative
The Quest to Paint the Cosmos Using Watercolors
Today was an artistically productive day, I decided to work with watercolors and I will say that It is a lot more convenient working with liquid watercolors rather than the solid kind or the goop that has to be watered down. I’m sure one of these days I will paint something more complex but myRead More
Being Creative-
The Quest to Practice Drawing Some Bunnies and Chase Away the Blues
I spent the day practicing my drawing, I know I’m not good at it but like anything else I just need to practice. This morning I had no idea what I wanted the Bunnies to look like and I could not draw anything consistently. By later in the morning I knew what I wanted theRead More