
A Clean Home is a Happy…Mind?

Well, today I’ve finally begun to organize my art and craft supplies, I’ve been wanting to do this for the past week but was unable until today to find the time to really delve into this as I have a lot of supplies. I’m trying to clear out stuff I know I will no longer use while also reorganizing what I do have based on how much I use my supplies.

As trivial as it may seem going through all my supplies every few months is not only therapeutic but also inspires me in my art, it reminds me of what I have and allows my imagination to run free.

Even though that old saying “A Clean Home is a Happy Home” seems antiquated, it really is true. I found that the messier my home or workspace is the more stressful or depressed I become. Once I make time to organize my possessions and clean my space I find that I feel happier in general. Why is that?

First, and most importantly it’s because I feel accomplished that I completed a task. Second, seeing a cleaner and well-organized space is more appealing aesthetically. Third, Purging items and donating them also gives us a sense of joy and accomplishment. All of these things and more will help our overall mental health and happiness.

Even if the thought of getting organized seems daunting all you need is to start with one thing, pick up that one thing that you know needs to be thrown out and throw it out.