Mental Health

The Quest to Recovery After the Convention of Dragons

I won’t lie, last night as soon as our heads hit the pillow we were out in less than a minute, I don’t even remember falling asleep. Dragon Con is such a blast but it does take a lot out of you. Our day started early and every night we were up way past our usual bedtimes, and we averaged about 15 to 20k steps a day which equaled about 9 to 10 miles a day.

The drive back home wasn’t as nice as it could have been. A ton of traffic and loads of lousy drivers.

This morning we woke up after sleeping the entire night but we still felt exhausted. Even still I got a few chores done.

I still plan on giving a more in-depth report on Dragon Con but that will wait till later this week once I’m done catching up with work and home chores and have a little more energy.