Mental Health

The Quest to Break The Brain Fog Spell

The past few days my brain has been feeling rather on the foggy side, you know how it feels? You feel kind of sleepy, unable to focus, and easily zone out.

I have a theory that with the time change a few weeks ago and my return to the office twice a week which means on those days I have to get up earlier than usual, my sleep schedule has been thrown off and the chaotic schedule has caught up with me.

I know that as long as I am patient my mind and body will eventually adjust to the new schedule, but in the meantime, I need to be more mindful and work harder to stay focused. I have to keep myself motivated so I can stay on track with the things I want to do.

Although it was a really nice and busy weekend It was not as productive as I would have liked, tomorrow is Monday, back to work but at least I won’t need to be back in the office until Tuesday. I’m not going to say that tomorrow I will try to get as much done as I can, the truth will be more around I’ll be lucky if I can find the energy to do anything.