
Do the Perfect Set of Dice Exist?

Since I’ve been playing Dungeons and Dragons, which began in 2019 (Yes I know I am literally late to the game) I have been wanting a set of Galaxy-inspired dice. Since then I have been looking for what to me is the perfect set. I have searched all of the popular dice sites and Etsy shops and only recently found the perfect set created by a dice maker named Miguel Martinez, not only are his sets beautiful but he made a galaxy set that I just had to have.

They arrived late yesterday and are everything I imagined a set of Galaxy dice to be and even though I know this seems frivolous I do plan on getting plenty of enjoyment out of them.

I will more than likely not be one of those players that own more dice sets than I know what to do with, I am not a collector either. I just want dice that call to me, sets that are aesthetically pleasing to me because that is something that brings me joy. When I pull out my sets for gaming, looking at them makes me happy.

There are a lot of dice makers out there who I believe turn dice making into an art form, Miguel is one of those makers who I believe his dice are absolute works of art. If you are a dice collector or have been looking for a perfect set of dice I would recommend Miguel immensely. Follow him on Instagram just to see the beautiful pieces he creates.

Image was borrowed from Dicecraft as I did not really have great lighting to provide a good picture.