Mental Health

The Quest for a Vacation to Get Away From the Mundane

I am looking forward to tomorrow for a couple of reasons, first because it’s payday and I can finish paying bills for the month and close out our May budget and also because we have the day off and a four-day weekend to look forward to.

Why is taking time off from work so important?

I think that after last year it has made many of us more aware as to why taking time off from work or from our daily home lives is so important. It allows us a chance to disconnect, recharge our batteries and change up our routine.

But what are the benefits really of taking a vacation?

Shannon Torberg, PsyD, LP published an article stating that some of the benefits to taking a vacation include anything from improved physical health (e.g. heart health) to improved mental health (e.g. less stress which leads to increased anxiety or depression).

It can also lead to improved overall well-being which can lead to a better outlook on life, improved sleep habits, and a better attitude. Vacations can also improve bonds with friends or family who are traveling with you. Taking regular vacations will also decrease your chances of burnout from working too hard.

Going on vacation is not the only factor that can help your overall mental health but also the planning or journey that can also bring on happiness and joy.

What are plans you have made for a vacation?