
The Tale of Jason Spider Bane

I’m not sure how I feel today, energized, happy, or maybe motivated. Even though work continues to be very busy I am finding that I have a need to do something around the house whether it be chores or art or just having some me time. And even though I do not currently have timeRead More


Another One Bites the Dust…

Today we hit a huge milestone in the quest to become debt-free. We paid off one of the dragon hordes that had the largest payment. This really opens up our budget tremendously and gives us more breathing room. As each Dragon Horde is paid off I feel the weight slowly being able taken off myRead More


Bunnies are Blissful

As expected work is busy but I will still try to strive to get my blog post done and hopefully write about something that will either put a smile on someone’s face or help someone in any way possible. I originally started this blog as a way for myself to improve on building a betterRead More


Busy Weeks, Short Blogs

The next couple of weeks will be rough as work is going to be extremely busy and I may not have as much time to focus on the blog, so my posts might be a little short and to the point. While today was swamped I did spot a little brown bunny during my morningRead More


Happiest Place on Earth?

What of the things I am looking forward to the most once we are fully vaccinated is being able to go back to the theme parks. The last time I went to Disney was in October when we celebrated my birthday at Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge. Considering how close by we live and the factRead More


Major Accomplishment!

Well, it’s official I have made my first online sale of my original artwork. This makes me so happy because someone out there liked my work enough to invest in it. This for me is a major accomplishment and it spurs me on to continue with my artwork because it not only makes me happyRead More