Happy Bunny Tales – Walksies Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings, acceptance, and other mental health issues, the Happy Bunnies are here to let you into their lives, fears and loves while delivering theRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest to Give You an Ear Worm… HBT Ep 21
Happy Bunny Tales – This is the Song that never ends… Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings, acceptance, and other mental health issues, the Happy Bunnies are here to let you into their lives,Read More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest to OMG it Burns… HBT Ep 20
Happy Bunny Tales – What is that bright thing in the sky? Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings, acceptance, and other mental health issues, the Happy Bunnies are here to let you into theirRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest to Introduce Our Puppers… HBT EP 19
Behind on posting some of these on the Blog. Happy Bunny Tales – Our Puppers Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings, acceptance, and other mental health issues, the Happy Bunnies are here to letRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest to Dream For a Nice Garden… HBT Ep 18
Well, my husband likes to say I have a black thumb. I have visions of what I would love for a garden but those dreams vs reality are two different things. Happy Bunny Tales – Dream garden Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple.Read More
The Quest to Visit a Galaxy Far Far Away One Last Time
So I’ve wanted to talk about the Galactic Starcruiser since last week but things have been pretty busy and last week I was also feeling a bit sad. Disney made the announcement that the Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser would be closing permanently after September of this year. Politics aside I understand why it’s closing, theRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Figure Out a Blogging Schedule
Sometimes I wonder if I should just close down this blog, I am writing in my journal every day, still focusing each day on the things that make me happy but this blog is starting to feel more like a chore than a source of joy. It’s not that I don’t have things to talkRead More
Mental Health
Happiness Journey Continues 2023
It’s crazy how I am now into the fifth year of my Happiness Journey, a journey I have realized will never end and the pursuit of happiness is as eternal as the cosmos. For those of you who have not been on this journey with me since the beginning, I will share some of theRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest to Be Attached at the Hips…HBT EP 17
I know I’ve talked about how close my hubby and I are. The bunnies also tell our story. Happy Bunny Tales – Attached at the Hips Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings, acceptance, andRead More
Happy Bunny Tales
The Quest a Cozy Corner… HBT Ep 16
I am an introvert and while I definitely have plenty of energy for some social experiences, not all social experiences are created equal. Happy Bunny Tales – Introvert Bun Bun and Bun Boy offer a funny and thought provoking walk through life as a married couple. Often humorous, but also with a focus on feelings,Read More