
Proud to be an American

When I first started this mental health blog I had decided on two rules to not talk politics and to not talk about religion. But the truth is that most of my anxiety and stress this past year was driven by our election.

I was happy when the election was finally over and I felt my anxiety melt away just in time for me to relax and enjoy the holidays.

And then the events of yesterday happened and my anxiety was replaced by anger and disgust at how petty and childish Americans can be.

But then something quite miraculous happened, I saw Republicans standing up in defense of our constitution, I saw both parties uniting against an insurrection, I saw a senate who will not be intimidated and will get the work done that they set out to do.

At the beginning of this surreal situation, I was angry and disgusted and by the end of it, I was happy and filled with pride. Democracy is not dead and our senate proved this last night.