Mental Health

The Quest to Adventure with our Friends

Being able to hang out with my friends is one of my favorite pastimes, hanging out with like-minded people who I can relate to not only helps my mental health but also takes me out of my element.

Even though I am an introvert I do miss the social interactions of being with my friends who I know to love the same things I do and who I can relate to the most. Now that we are vaccinated it will be great to be able to hang out more and being able to get out and do activities together.

I have my friends who I see on a regular basis, I have friends I only see once in a blue moon but when we get together it’s like no time has passed between us. We have those friends who are just like family (You know who you are). We even have those friends who we have never met before but would drop anything if they were needed or vice versa.

For many years when I was younger I did not have many friends and during some periods no friends at all. Those times always felt lonely, even though for a long time I had my husband who is my best friend and soul mate I still missed that interaction of being able to chat with a female friend.

So to all of those out there who are feeling lonely because your friends have moved on or your friends are far away, take heart. At the end of the day, you will always have friends, you just haven’t met them yet. But as hard as it always seems (especially for introverts) you need to put yourself out there. For myself and my husband (we do come as a packaged pair), we found our forever friends by attending Science Fiction or other fan conventions.

It’s all about getting out there, meeting people, discover what you have in common.