
Three Kings Day and a story

Today my family celebrates Epiphany or as we call it in my house Dia de Los Reyes (Three Kings Day) In the bible, it signifies the story of the three wise kings who followed the star of Bethlehem to find the baby, Jesus. For me, as a child, it was essentially a second Christmas. InRead More


Hugs Have Charging Power

I’ve been in a bit of a block today about what to write, I also can’t seem to think of one thing today that has made me happy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been a great day. The weather was nice and cool again and I went on wonderful walks with my husband around theRead More


Back to the Dungeons!

Today is my last day off before going back to tackle the dungeons, I know that the next couple of weeks will be very busy for me but thanks to tasks I completed beforehand this will hopefully go smoother than anticipated. I have learned much this past year in regards to my work in theRead More