Although I have still been journaling every single day I think I have been greatly slacking in my quest to help others. I have not blogged for weeks and I don’t feel like I am doing enough in regards to reaching out. Part of this has to do with how busy it’s been the lastRead More
Category: Mental Health
Mental Health
The Quest to Fill Our Home with Joy
It took me a few days but I got all of the indoor Christmas decorating completed. I’ve had the same old decorations that I have been using over and over again for about a decade, some old plastic garlands that I also seem to be allergic to now I decided to get rid of. SoRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Slow Down For the Holidays
Wow, I have not blogged since the 5th, to be honest, I have not forgotten to blog it’s just that I’ve had so much going on at the moment that it’s been difficult to fit this in. Even now I’m typing this from a hotel in St. Louis where my husband and I had toRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Flip the Switch…In More Ways Than One
I remember many years ago you could always predict two things would happen on the last day of September and the first day of October. First all my Halloween decorations would be put out and second the weather shifts from summer to autumn, Yes, even in Florida. Over the years though I have put myRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Revisit My Sword Arms
I have not really had an update about the issues with my arms in a while, in fact, I think my last post on the subject was sometime earlier this year. Last December I visited a specialist to look at my right elbow and aside from telling me to do some stretching exercises I wasRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Assess and Take Stock
It’s been over a week since my last post, I kept telling myself I need to post but in the end, life was getting in the way and I am only now remembering. The last week and a half have been extremely busy and filled with both fun and frightening moments. It all started withRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Not Feel Overwhelmed By Sidequests and Missions
I’m pretty sure the next few weeks will not be easy, between a lot of tasks at work, scheduled training, a long personal to-do list, and other plans I feel like I may not have much time to myself in the next few weeks. At work, we are approaching quarter end which means my workloadRead More
Mental Health-
The Quest to Not Feel Frustrated About Physical Limitations
As a person who has had physical issues since their mid-teens, I have always felt a little envious when I see people running marathons or hiking really long distances. In general whenever I see people doing anything that involves strenuous activity. Although I do not have a chronic condition I have had bad knees sinceRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Scribe More Frequently
I know I haven’t been posting as regularly as I used to and although I will try to post more than I have been I think posting every day isn’t great. Partly because there are some days I may not have anything I need to say and I highly doubt all of you are interestedRead More
Mental Health
The Quest to Build a Gazebo Complete
I honestly did not intend to go so long without writing a post but last week and the weekend was so busy that my time just got away from me. My husband and I did spend the weekend assembling and putting up the gazebo and laying out the pavers. Although we did have a littleRead More